
Remembrance Sunday, 9th November 2020

Remembrance Sunday, 9th November 2020

There will be a short service at the War Memorial this Remembrance Sunday.   The service will run from 10:45 – 11:00.

Regulations for attendance during lockdown, per government/Lydiard Tregoze Parish Council guidelines:

  • If possible, limit the number of people representing an organisation. Preferably just one, to lay the wreath.
  • Attendees must provide contact information for ‘Test and Trace” purposes. This information will be kept for 21 days, and then discarded.
  • Please do not attend if you are showing symptoms, have shown symptoms, or are in contact with a vulnerable person.
  • Have masks and hand sanitiser with you.
  • Social distancing will be in place.

Who can attend a Remembrance Sunday event?

  • People attending as part of their work (such as local councillors, local faith leaders, the local MP)
  • People attending in a voluntary capacity on behalf of a recognised organisation.
  • Members of the armed forces.
  • Veterans of the armed forces, and/or their representative or carers.

The War Memorial is, of course, available throughout the day for individuals or families to pay respects/lay wreaths. If someone else is already present upon your arrival, please respect social distancing.

Remembrance Day, 11th November 2020

As a way of honouring Remembrance Day in solidarity, we ask that people stand outside their doors for two minutes of silence at 11am, sharing the moment with neighbours while safely distanced. (Similar to Clap for NHS)


Thank you for respecting the need to have a different service this year than previous years.


Take care and stay healthy.