
10 July 2023 minutes

MeetingsMinutes Uploaded on July 15, 2023

    Lydiard Tregoze Parish Council





1  Councillors Present:

Chairman Cllr Collis, Cllr Luce, Cllr Drury, Cllr Woolford, Cllr Henderson, Cllr Williams, Cllr Strange, Wiltshire Cllr Steve Bucknell, Clerk – Rose Love.


Apologies:  Cllr Rumming.



2  To approve the minutes of the last monthly held on Monday, 12 June 2023.

Proposed – Cllr Williams, Seconded – Cllr Luce.

Resolved:  Approved.



3  To record declarations of interest from members regarding items on the agenda.




4  Clerk’s Report and Correspondence.

See separate document online.  Clerk report, July 2023



5    Planning Applications to Consider

a.  PL/2023/04746 – Old Showroom, Coped Hall, RWB – Erect 3 totem style signs on site frontage, one 5 meter high, one 4 meter high, and one “Thank you” totem at exit.

Resolved:  Noted, with comment – The council expresses concern over both the height of the totems and the potential light pollution they will create.


b.  PL/2023/04613 – Land adjacent to East End Farm, Brinkworth – change of use, new vehicle access and stable block (resubmission of PL/2022/03300).

Resolved:  Object – The council is in agreement with the objections of the highways officer that the access point/entrance does not have safe visibility onto a 60mph road.  The council also objects on the grounds of development in open countryside.


c.  PL/2023/04585 – Wickfield Farmhouse, Wickfield Farm, SN4 8QR – Certificate of Lawfulness regarding the unrestricted residential use of Wickfield Farmhouse.

Resolved:  Noted, no comment.



6    Highway/Roadwork/Parish Maintenance to Consider.

a.  Parish Emergency Assistance Scheme (PEAS) – what equipment to request?

Resolved:  The council requested 2 ‘Snow Warden’ tabards, 2 ‘Flood Warden’ tabards, and 2 ‘Flood’ warning signs.


Issues arising for the clerk to action:

b.  A letter will now be sent to the landowner of bushes near west cattle grid, requesting overgrowth be trimmed.

c.  Clerk will write to Martin Cook at Wiltshire Highways concerning the blocked drain adjacent to 23 – 25 Hook (C414).

d.  Clerk will request parish steward to continue trimming and clearing of C414 footpath from the overbridge to Coped Hall.



7    Other Business To Consider.

a.  Will the council have representation at the Wiltshire LTP4 Stakeholder Engagement sessions: 18 July, 18-19:30 or 20 July, 10-11:30 on Teams?

Resolved:  The clerk will attend on behalf of the council, 20 July.


b.  Will the council have representation at the Wiltshire and Swindon Prepared Resilience Event, 31 August, 9 – 16:30, Tidworth.

Resolved:  Cllrs Collis and Williams will attend.


c.  Will council comment on Wiltshire Design Guide, and the emerging Local Plan (land being designated for housing with no infrastructure)?


Resolved:  Wiltshire Design Guide – Cllrs Collis and Rumming with study the Design Guide materials and compose a comment on behalf of the council.


Local Plan – Wiltshire Cllr Bucknell gave a brief report on the Local Plan, stating Wiltshire Council looks set to design a plan not in keeping with the desired plan put forward by Royal Wootton Bassett and others.  The land currently being suggested for development creates excessive traffic on A3102, with no infrastructure available.  It was suggested the council try to plan an information meeting with the public to discuss the current suggested Local Plan, and the implications for the parish and residents.


d.  Would the council be interested in purchasing a second bench (Queen Elizabeth II memorial?) for the village green or War Memorial area?

Resolved:  The council will not purchase a memorial bench.



8    Finance To Consider.

a.  Expenditures:

i.     Netwise yearly maintenance and upgrade – £440 + £88 VAT = £528.

ii.    Andy Brewster – grass cutting, bush trimming – £180.

iii.   Rose Love – mileage, Wiltshire & Swindon History Museum – £15.75

iv.    To Note – Netwise prorated invoice paid through Delegated Authority – £21.34

Approved by Cllr Collis and Cllr Williams.   Noted.


Proposal to approve items i, ii, and iii – Cllr Henderson, Seconded – Cllr Woolford.

Resolved:  Approved.


b.  Laptop travel bag – Curry’s PC World online prices range from £19.99 – £29.97, subject to availability and suitability in store for cash purchase.

The clerk let it be known that she may be able to obtain a free laptop bag from the local recycling Facebook page.  The clerk will try to obtain the free bag, but if not the correct size she will purchase a bag using petty cash from Curry’s PC World, ranging between £19.99 – £29.97 (subject to availability and suitability).


Proposed – Cllr Strange, Seconded – Cllr Henderson.

Resolved:  Approved.


c.  To consider donation to Citizens Advice from Community Fund.

A donation of £500 from the Community Fund.

Proposed – Cllr Woolford, Seconded – Cllr Henderson.

Resolved:  Approved.


d.  To approve 1st quarterly financial report.

Proposed – Cllr Drury, Seconded – Cllr Luce.

Resolved:  Approved.


e.  To sign updated banking mandate and authorization of Cllr Williams as a signatory.

All paperwork signed and to be submitted to Unity Trust Bank.




9    Matters Arising for Next Meeting.

  • Donation request for Thamesdown Hydrotherapy Pool.



Determine date/time of next meeting.

Proposed date – Monday 11 September 2023, 19:15

Please note that the September meeting will start 15 minutes later than usual – 19:15.


REMINDER – There will be no August meeting