Lydiard Tregoze Parish Council
Chairman Cllr Collis, Vice-chairman Cllr Rumming, Cllr Drury, Cllr Luce, Cllr Henderson,
Cllr Williams, Cllr Strange.
Clerk Rose Love.
Public Participation: Members of the public are invited to make representations to the council on matters relating to items on this Agenda (Public Bodies [Admission to Meetings] Act 1960), before the meeting starts (limited to 15 minutes, 3 minutes each speaker). Every effort will be made to give accurate answers to all questions, but in some cases further research may be necessary. Please submit your questions or comments to the Clerk by emailing before 9a.m. on the day of the meeting to ensure inclusion.
*There was no public participation.
24.16 To RECEIVE and ACCEPT apologies for absence.
Apologies received and accepted from Cllr James Woolford.
24.17 To approve the minutes of the last meeting (Annual Meeting of the Council) held on
Monday, 13 May 2024.
Proposal to approve the minutes of the last meeting as a true record – Cllr Henderson;
seconded – Cllr Williams.
Resolved: Approved.
24.18 To record declarations of interest from members regarding items on the agenda.
There were no declarations of interest made.
24.19 Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
See separate document on website.
All planning documents and decisions can be viewed at: Home (
24.20 PL/2024/03757 – Canberra House, Lydiard Fields SN5 8UB – External alterations including the installation of a bin store, de-humidifier, grilles, AHU, condenser and louvre.
Resolved: Noted, no comment.
Highways/Maintenance Issues
24.21 Top 5 priorities for Discretionary Gully Service, 17-21 June.
Resolved: 1. Gully between Drury Close and Clarendon. 2. Coped Hall, between C414 and Swindon exit. 3. Entrance to Bolingbroke Close. 4. Entrance to Lydiard Park Events Field. 5. Ditch adjacent to Park Farm garden wall.
Other Business to Consider
24.22 To note the Annual Internal Audit report.
24.23 To agree with and sign AGAR Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement 2023/24.
Proposal to accept the AGAR Annual Governance Statement as correct – Cllr Rumming; seconded – Cllr Williams.
Resolved: Approved.
24.24 To agree with and sign AGAR Section 2 – Accounting Statements 2023/24.
Proposal to accept the AGAR Accounting Statements as correct – Cllr Luce; seconded – Cllr Henderson.
Resolved: Approved.
24.25 To note the clerk has set Period for the Exercise of Public Rights for 12 June – 23 July
24.26 Will council have representation at Planning Service stakeholder meeting, 25th June at
County Hall, Trowbridge.
Resolved: Council will not attend.
24.27 To consider domain, including government funding for beginning cost.
Proposal to purchase a domain for the council – Cllr Henderson; seconded – Cllr
Resolved: Approved.
Finance to Consider
24.28 In consideration of the clerk leaving her position, to rescind the approval of bank
Standing Order payments of clerk’s salary and Microsoft 365 reimbursement (May 24.14.4),
and pay monthly until a new clerk is appointed.
Proposal to rescind Standing Orders of clerk’s salary and Microsoft 365 reimbursement (May
24.14.4) – Cllr Henderson; seconded – Cllr Drury.
Resolved: Approved.
24.29 To note Delegated Authority approval to set single payment for clerk’s May salary and
Micro365 reimbursement. Approved by Cllr Collis and Cllr Henderson.
24.30 To approve new quote from Andy Brewster for greens trimming of £35 per cut.
Hedge at phone box was trimmed in April at no charge.
Proposal to approve new quote – Cllr Strange; seconded – Cllr Williams.
Resolved: Approved.
24.31 Expenditure:
.1 Wiltshire Association of Local Councils membership for 24/25 year – £218.82.
.2 Community First/Zurich Insurance – £249.32.
.3 Rose Love – salary – £624.
.4 Rose Love – reimbursement for Micro365 (£12.36) and Stinky Ink black printer ink (£5.40) – total £17.76.
Proposal to approve all requested payments – Cllr Drury; seconded – Cllr Williams.
Resolved: Approved.
Matters Arising for Next Meeting
- Clerk’s prorated salary for July
- To consider/approve prorated Work From Home for outgoing clerk
- To consider locum clerk or other arrangements, should a new clerk not be in post
- Transfer of Micro365 payment
- Final handover of council property from outgoing clerk
- Updated Financial Regulations
Determine date/time of next meeting. Monday 8 July 2024, 19:15.
With all business concluded, the meeting closed at 20:18.