1 Councillors Present: Cllr Collis, Cllr Drury, Cllr Strange, Cllr Luce
Apologies: Cllr Henderson and Cllr Rumming.
Absent: Cllr Woolford
2 To approve the minutes of the last meeting held on Monday, 13 June 2022.
Proposed – Cllr Strange, Seconded – Cllr Luce
Resolved: Approved.
3 To record declarations of interest from members regarding items on the agenda.
Cllr Drury declared a non-pecuniary interest in Item 5.d. PL/2022/04785 – Greg Ny Baa.
4 Clerk’s Report and Correspondence.
See separate document. Clerk report, July 2022
5 Planning Applications to Consider
a. PL/2022/04648 – Wickfield Farm, SN4 8QR – Livestock and Fodder Storage Barn.
Resolved: Noted.
b. PL/2022/04702 – Lydiard Residential Park, SN4 8JA – Consent under Tree Preservation Orders.
Resolved: Noted.
c. PL/2022/04719 – Flaxlands, SN4 8DY – Variation of conditions 1 & 5, and removal of condition 4 on 19/03873/FUL.
Resolved: Clerk will make a comment concerning possible work done without permission.
d. PL/2022/04785 – Greg Ny Baa, SN4 8EA – Demolition of garage store and conservatory. Two storey side extension, roof extension and single storey rear extension and alterations.
Resolved: Noted.
Applications determined:
a. PL/2021/10823 – Land at Lydiard Fields, SN5 8AT – Extension/installation of pedestrian footpath to Johnson Matthey site: Approved with conditions. – Noted.
6 Highway/Roadwork/Parish Maintenance to Consider.
a. Temporary Closure of A3102 (Part), Royal Wootton Bassett; from its roundabout junction with B4042 to its Junction with New Road; between hours of 19:00 and 23:59, 08 August – 30 November 2022. – Noted.
b. Item arising for clerk to action: Report pothole below school house on Hook Street, with photos, and ask for updates on any decisions regarding work.
7 Other Business To Consider.
a. Consultee statement regarding Public Spaces Protection Order (dog control) at Lydiard Park. – Noted.
b. Potential application to build a Lidl on land at Marsh Farm.
Resolved: Clerk will respond to Lidl representative that at the moment there is no support among the council, and little support from parishioners, as reported to council.
8 Finance To Consider.
a. Expenditures:
i. Reimbursement to clerk: Microsoft 365 – June – £11.28 (£9.40 + 1.88 VAT)
ii. Denise Henderson: reimbursement for Jubilee party expenses – £19.59
iii. Christine Drury: internal audit for AGAR – £50
iv. Andy Brewster: six (6) grass cuttings of village green – £150 (paid)
v. SLCC: FiLCA training – £144 (£120 + 24 VAT)
Proposed – Cllr Strange, Seconded – Cllr Luce
Resolved: All payments approved.
b. First Quarter Financial Report
Resolved: Clerk will transfer payment of Jubilee tree from precept to Community Fund and update the quarterly report for approval at September meeting.
9 Matters Arising for Next Meeting.
- Tenders for refurbishment of phone box for defibrillator storage.
Determine date/time of next meeting.
12 September 2022, 19:00.
Please note, there will be NO AUGUST MEETING. Should a matter arise that requires immediate attention, a meeting will be called with proper three (3) days notice.
With all business concluded, the meeting closed at 19:49.
R. Love – Clerk/RFO