- Councillors Present: Cllr Collis, Cllr Drury, Cllr Luce, Cllr Henderson, Cllr Woolford, Cllr Rumming.
Apologies: Cllr Strange.
- To approve the minutes of the last meeting held on Monday, 13th September 2021.
Proposed – Cllr Henderson, Seconded – Cllr Drury.
Resolved: Approved.
- To record declarations of interest from members regarding items on the agenda.
- Clerk’s Report and Correspondence
a. The clerk provided a summary of the Annual Meeting of the Parish, held on 6 October.
a. Wiltshire Highways – Outstanding traffic surveys.
b. Briefing Note 21-19 – Update of leisure Centres transferring to Wiltshire Council.
c. CEE Bill Alliance – Climate and Ecological Emergency Bill support request.
d. Wessex Flood Warden Newsletter.
e. Invitation to Neighbourhood Planning webinar – 9th November 10-13:00.
f. Wilts & Berks Canal Trust – On the Button newsletter.
g. Parish update from PCSO Andrew Singfield.
- Planning Applications to Consider
a. PL/2021/08450 – Wickfield Farm, SN4 8QR – Erection of new hay barn.
Resolved: Noted but with comment. Inappropriate location – potential security risk.
b. PL/2021/08902 – Spittleborough Farm, SN4 8ET – Removal/variation of conditions.
Resolved: Noted, no comment.
- Highway/Roadwork to Consider
a. Parish steward visit – 27 October.
Resolved: Visibility displays at entrance to Drury Close need cutting, shrubbery at entrance to The Meadows needs cutting/clearing, buddleia stump in pavement across from Marsh Farm Bungalow removal, tarmac hole forming at east side of road by bollards.
b. New water leak at Flaxlands junction.
Resolved: Clerk will report new leak in main road (C414) at the junction to Thames Water, and request update on previous plan to install new water main pipes.
- Other Business to Consider
a. Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
i. Queen’s Green Canopy: Tree planting in honour of 2022 Jubilee – Village Hall committee waiting on quotes for price and option, potentially Rowan trees.
Resolved: Update at next meeting.
ii. Queen’s Jubilee Beacons
Resolved: Council will not participate, but will hold a celebration party (per discussions during APM) to be held on Sunday, 5th June 2022.
b. Phone box hosting agreement. – Clerk waiting for reply from Community Heartbeat, but it appears hosting agreements are only between them and BT directly.
Resolved: Clerk will contact Scottish and Southern Energy about running electricity to bus stop, and look into solar use for defibrillator safety box. Chairman will speak to solicitor about a basic agreement for phone box that is not deemed a lease.
c. Wiltshire Climate Strategy consultation.
Resolved: Councillors will comment individually.
d. Determine if meeting time will continue at 19:30 or return to 19:00.
Resolved: November meeting will be at 19:30, then meeting will return to 19:00 in December.
- Finance
a. Expenditures:
i. Clerk’s salary – October.
ii. Andy Brewster – village green path refurbishment – £700.
iii. Reimbursement to clerk for APM flyers – £60.
Proposed – Cllr Woolford, Seconded – Cllr Luce.
RESOLVED: All payments approved.
At this time the council would like to thank Crapper and Sons Landfill for the generous donation and delivery of the stones used in the path refurbishment.
b. Potential change of banks – HSBC or switch to Unity Trust. – Council will switch to Unity Trust.
Proposed – Cllr Henderson, Seconded – Cllr Drury
Resolved: Approved.
c. Set standing bank order to pay clerk on first of each month. – Clerk/RFO will set standing bank order for same day each month.
Proposed – Cllr Rumming, Seconded – Cllr Woolford
Resolved: Approved.
d. Second quarter financial report. – Accept as accurate record.
Proposed – Cllr Woolford, Seconded – Cllr Luce.
Resolved: Approved.
9. Matters arising for next meeting
- Payment for Remembrance Sunday wreath.
- Continued discussion of Queen’s Green Canopy.
- Continued defibrillator location.
*Minutes of 2020 Annual Parish Meeting signed at this time.
Date of next meeting will be Monday, 8 November 2021 at 19:30.
With all business concluded, the meeting closed at 20:56.
R. Love