
12 June 2023 minutes

MeetingsMinutes Uploaded on June 15, 2023

    Lydiard Tregoze Parish Council





1  Present:

Chairman Cllr Collis, Cllr Henderson, Cllr Drury, Cllr Luce, Vice-chairman Cllr Rumming, R. Love (clerk), Wiltshire Cllr S. Bucknell.


1 member of the public (Gareth Williams – to be co-opted).


Apologies of Absence: 

Cllr Woolford, Cllr Strange.       



*A motion was made to move agenda item 7.a. (co-option of Gareth Williams) to this time in the meeting.

Proposed – Cllr Henderson, Seconded – Cllr Drury.

Resolved:  Approved.


7.a.  Motion to accept co-option of Gareth Williams as councillor to Lydiard Tregoze Parish Council.

Proposed – Cllr Henderson, Seconded – Cllr Drury.

Resolved:  Approved.



2  To approve the minutes of the last monthly meeting and Annual Meeting of the Council, held on Tuesday, 2 May 2023.


Proposed – Cllr Luce, Seconded – Cllr Drury.

Resolved:  Approved.



3  To record declarations of interest from members regarding items on the agenda.




4  Clerk’s Report and Correspondence.

See attached document.    Clerk report, June 2023


Report from Wiltshire Cllr S. Bucknell regarding waste water disposal from new care home.

The water will not be pumped into any ponds or lakes.



5    Planning Applications to Consider


a.  PL/2021/04672 – Land at upper Studley Farm, SN4 8ET – Change of use of land for the creation of a 5 pitch Gypsy/Traveller site, comprising the siting of 5 mobile homes, 5 touring caravans, and erection of 5 dayrooms.

 Resolved:  Object – The application is contrary to WCS (2015) Core Policy 57 (xiv) and 61, and NPPF paragraphs 108 – 111.


b.  PL/2023/03954 – Basset Down Farmhouse, SN4 9QP – Proposed alterations to incorporate a replacement attic staircase.

Resolved:  Noted, with no comment.


c.  PL/2023/04256 – Pole 8 on the existing Spur to Ballards Ash Football Pitches, Land North of B4042, SN4 8EP – Proposed replacement of 10m pole (Pole 8) with 14m pole. 

Resolved:  Noted, with no comment.


Applications determined:  Noted

d.  PL/2022/08201 – 16 Bolingbroke Close, SN4 8ED – Single storey side extension, two storey rear extension. Approved with conditions.


e.  PL/2022/04719 – Flaxlands, SN4 8DY – Variation of condition 1, 4, & 5 on 19/03873/FUL. Approved with conditions.


f.  PL/2022/09664 – The Old Coach House, SN4 9QP – New sewage treatment plant installation with associated new pipework and drain away for dwelling. Approve with conditions.



6    Highway/Roadwork/Parish Maintenance to Consider.

Issues brought up for clerk to action:

a.  Hook Street – overgrown hedge between first cattle grid and The Forge. Cllr Collis to identify owner, clerk to write letter to owner that hedge must be cut within 6 weeks of notice.


The council reminds landowners of the parish that they are responsible for the upkeep of hedges, trees, and bushes that overgrow roadways and footpaths.  Should overgrowth become a problem, causing personal and/or motor safety issues, the council will contact owners with request to trim.  Should requests from the parish council not be fulfilled in the timeframe given, Wiltshire Council will trim the overgrowth at cost to landowner.


b.  Footpath on each side of the M4 bridge – overgrowth of grass and brambles/briers. Clerk to report to Wiltshire Council for trimming.


c.  Potholes near entrance to Marsh Farm Hotel – reported and under investigation.



7    Other Business To Consider.

a.  Co-option of Gareth Williams to the council.

Moved to beginning of meeting.


b.  Wiltshire Bus Review Stakeholder Survey – to complete as a council OR have clerk complete. 

Resolved:  Cllr Henderson will complete, Cllr Rumming will approve.


*Email from Wiltshire Council received after the meeting clarified that all councillors my individually answer the survey.



8    Finance To Consider.

a.  Expenditures:

i.     Wiltshire Association of Local Councils membership – £212.70.

Proposed – Cllr Williams, Seconded – Cllr Drury.

Resolved:  Approved.


ii.    H&W Print (Coronation mugs) – £360.

Proposed – Cllr Rumming, Seconded – Cllr Luce.

Resolved:  Approved


iii.   Community First/Zurich Council Insurance renewal: 1 Yr – £250.57 OR 3 Yr LTA – £238.03.

Proposal to accept 3 Yr LTA – Cllr Henderson, Seconded – Cllr Drury.

Resolved:  Approved.


iv.    To note cash payments from April – APM flyers (£45) and biscuits for APM (£1.29)

v.     Reimbursement to Rose Love – paint for phone box (£100.44) and coronation food (£24.94) = £125.38 (Paid 22 May 2023 with approved Delegated Authority – Cllrs Collis and Henderson.)

Items 8.a. iv and v – noted by the council.


b.  Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR)

i.     To note the Annual Internal Audit Report.



ii.    To approve and sign the Annual Governance Statement.

Proposed – Cllr Rumming, Seconded – Cllr Drury.

Resolved:  Approved by council, signed by Chairman Collis and Clerk R. Love.


iii.   To consider, approve and sign the Accounting Statements.

Proposed – Cllr Drury, Seconded – Cllr Williams.

Resolved:  Approved by council, signed by Chairman Collis.


iv.    To note that the clerk has set commencement of Notice of Public Rights – 15 June 2023 to 26 July 2023.



c.  Possible upgrade of email service from 5gb disk space per account (£330 pa) to 10gb disk space per account (£440 pa).

Proposal to upgrade to 10gb disk space (£440 pa) – Cllr Luce, Seconded – Cllr Williams.

Resolved:  Approved.



9    Matters Arising for Next Meeting.

  • Approval of Netwise payment for August.
  • Approval of purchase of travel bag for council laptop.


Determine date/time of next meeting.

Monday 10 July 2023, 19:00


With all business concluded, the meeting closed at 20:15.


REMINDER – There will be no August meeting.