
13 November 2023

MeetingsMinutes Uploaded on December 7, 2023

    Lydiard Tregoze Parish Council





1  Present:

Chairman Cllr Collis, Vice Chairman Cllr Rumming, Cllr Luce, Cllr Drury, Cllr Woolford, Cllr Henderson, Cllr Williams, Cllr Strange.  Wiltshire Cllr S Bucknell.  Clerk Rose Love.

A representative for Moto Services, two members of the public.



2  To approve the minutes of the last monthly held on Monday, 9 October 2023.

Regarding minute of silence at beginning of the meeting – The chairman asked to have the minutes amended to state that Tony Jepps was a former chairman of the council.

Proposed – Cllr Williams, seconded – Cllr Woolford

Resolved:  Approved with amended text.



3  To record declarations of interest from members regarding items on the agenda.



Public Participation:  A period not exceeding 15 minutes (3 minutes each speaker) for members of the public to ask questions and submit comments.  Please submit your questions or comments to the Clerk by emailing before 9a.m. on the day of the meeting to ensure inclusion.


As no questions came from the public attendees, the representative for Moto used this time to provide information about PL/2023/09142 and answer questions from the council.


4  Clerk’s Report and Correspondence.

See separate document. Clerk report November 2023



5    Planning Applications to Consider

a.  PL/2023/09142 – Land at Junction 16 (M4), Swindon – Outline application (with access to be determined) for development of a new Motorway Rest Area (MRA) to provide up to 241 car parking spaces, up to 63 Heavy Goods Vehicle (HVG) parking spaces and caravan parking; amenity building; fuel filling stations; new roundabout access from B4005; and associated landscaping, infrastructure and ancillary works.

Resolved:  Support, as a needed service to the community and Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) drivers on the M4.


b.  PL/2023/09034 – Works to a Protected Tree, 3 Lydiard Residential Park, Sn4 8JA – 3 x Crataegus monogyna (Common Hawthorn) Removal to prevent debris falling onto patio area making it slippery and unsafe. 1 x Corylus avellana (Common hazel) Coppice hazel to 6 inches to allow new growth.

Resolved:  Noted.


c.  PL/2023/08855 – Oaklands Industrial Estate, SN5 0AN – Erection of two new employment buildings (alterative to application 18/11078/FUL).

Resolved:  Noted.


d.  PL/2023/06434 (works to listed building) and PL/2023/06408 – Basset Down Farmhouse, SN4 9QP – Proposed open porch and alterations to external doors.

Resolved:  Noted.


e.  PL/2023/09107 – Midge Hall Nurseries, SN4 8ER – Proposed Base Station upgrade to the existing 12.0m high Phosco monopole. Proposed removal and replacement of existing 12.0m high CU Phosco K3 monopole and existing 3No. antennas with proposed 17.5m high CU Phosco monopole c/w 4.9 headframe and proposed 3No. antennas and 1No. GPS Node.  Existing 300? Dish to be relocated to proposed monopole.  Existing equipment cabin to be upgraded internally and associated ancillary works.

Resolved:  Noted.


Applications determined: Noted by the council.

f.  PL/2023/03954 – Basset Down Farmhouse, SN4 9QP – Proposed alterations to incorporate a replacement attic staircase. – Approve with Conditions


g.  PL/2023/06610 – Homebase Distribution Centre, SN5 8UB – InstaVolt are proposing to install 10 rapid electric vehicle charging stations within the car park of Distribution Centre, Great Western Way. Eighteen existing parking spaces will become EV charging bays, along with associated equipment.  Six of 10 EV charging bays will be fully accessible, allowing for unrestricted access to one EV charger with 1.2m access on 4 sides of the parking bay. – Approve with Conditions.



6    Highway/Roadwork/Parish Maintenance to Consider.

a.  Update on maintenance of bus shelter – final decision and cost approval.

A local artist will design/draw up a map of the parish (to include landmarks and historic parish boundary) that will be embossed on a aluminium backing and fastened to the inner bus shelter wall, covering the graffiti.  Cost of the artwork quoted at £320 (VAT was not mentioned).  Council still waiting for the quote from H&W Print for embossing.

Resolved:  Council waiting for remaining quotes for complete price of the project, to be paid from the Community Fund.


b.  Issues with parking during Lydiard Park fireworks display.

There were issues with inconsiderate parking along Hook Street (parking in Passing Places, car doors open within the driving lane, people standing in the road), causing safety concerns.

Resolved:  The clerk will contact the event organiser, Lydiard Park management, and the fire service/police about this year’s concerns, and going forward will continue to liaise with these groups to enhance road safety measures during fireworks displays.


*A number of highways issues were reported to the clerk to action.



7    Other Business To Consider/Discuss.

a.  Cricklade North Meadow – Building within the Zone of Influence is likely to lead to loss of site integrity.

Wiltshire Cllr Steve Bucknell provided the council with a better understanding of the information given in the Wiltshire Council Briefing Note concerning building within the influence zones.

Resolved:  Noted.


b.  Wiltshire Local Plan – Council response.

The council was unable to secure a professional consultant.

Resolved:  Cllr Henderson will meet with the clerk to structure the response.  The final document will be approved through email by full council before the submission deadline on 22 November 2023.



8    Finance To Consider.

a.  Expenditures:

i.      Andy Brewster – greens maintenance – £192.50.

ii.     Robert Collis – reimbursement for Remembrance Sunday wreath – £25.

iii.    Community Heartbeat Trust (Solutions) Ltd – Defib pads, storage cabinet and installation – £1,341.60, and 5 Year Battery Auto Defib DCF-200 – £228.

iv.     Michael Page – reimbursement for Remembrance Sunday program printing. – £33.12

v.      Christine Drury – yearly Internal Audit – £50.

Proposal to approve all expenditures – Cllr Luce, seconded – Cllr Woolford.

Resolved:  Approved.


b.  1st draft budget for 2024-2025.

Resolved:  1st draft noted.  Clerk will try to confirm possible price changes before 2nd draft.



9    Matters Arising for Next Meeting.

  • 2nd draft budget
  • Proposal for bus shelter artwork project, if all quotes received
  • Ongoing trimming of bushes surrounding the BT phone box




Determine date/time of next meeting.

Proposed date – Monday 11 December 2023, 19:15.