Lydiard Tregoze Parish Council
Chairman Collis called for one minute of silence in honour of the death of Her Majesty The Queen.
A proposal was made to move discussions of Item 5.a (Land at Marsh Farm) to the beginning of the meeting to accommodate representatives of Lidl to present information and answer questions.
Proposed – Cllr Henderson, Seconded – Cllr Luce
1 Councillors Present: Cllr Collis, Cllr Henderson, Cllr Strange, Cllr Woolford, Cllr Drury, Cllr Rumming, Cllr Luce. Wiltshire Cllr Steve Bucknell.
Four representatives of Lidl in support of item 5.a.
Two members of the public.
2 To approve the minutes of the last meeting held on Monday, 11 July 2022.
Proposed – Cllr Luce, Seconded – Cllr Drury
3 To record declarations of interest from members regarding items on the agenda.
4 Clerk’s Report and Correspondence.
See separate document. Clerk report, Sept 2022
5 Planning Applications to Consider
a. PL/2022/05273 – Land at Marsh Farm, SN4 8AY – Erection of Class E food store (Lidl), car parking, works to create community open space, new access, landscaping and associated works.
Resolved: Opposed – Goes against Core Policies 51 and 57 (development in countryside), misleading publicity concerning ‘community open space’, dangerous exit, detriment to Royal Wootton Bassett .
b. PL/2022/06399 – Studley Grange Landfill Site, SN4 9QT – Replacement of an electricity generating engine with a storage battery.
Resolved: Noted
c. PL/2022/06161 – Lower Salthrop Farm, SN4 9QW – Variation of Condition 10 of PL/2021/06952 to extend duration of time to complete previously approved works.
(Comments ended 19 September) Requested consultation of neighbours and hard end date for tipping.
Applications from August:
Comments made through Delegated Authority
d. PL/2022/05167 – Bassett Down Golf Course, SN4 9QP – Variation of Conditions 4 of 19/021112/VAR to amend hours of operation of floodlights. (Comments closed 11 August) – Mixed comment: No objection, but request neighbours be properly consulted concerning flood light impact.
e. PL/2022/05236 – Church of God, SN4 8DY – Proposed new church meeting hall. (Comments closed 17 August) – Mixed comment: No objection, but feel works are development in country side, and location not suitable on single lane road for proposed increased use.
Applications determined:
All Noted by council.
f. 21/01155/OUT – Land at Restrop Road, SN5 4BP – Outline planning permission for up to 47 dwellings. Approved with conditions.
g. PL/2022/04702 – Lydiard Residential Park, SN4 8JA – Felling of several trees. Approved with conditions.
6 Highway/Roadwork/Parish Maintenance to Consider.
a. Potential new Thames Water leak at Flaxlands.
Resolved: Possible private pumping main that is leaking. Council will watch and see if leaking progresses.
b. Issue raised at meeting to be actioned by the clerk – Report crumbling tarmac at Drury Close entrance for resurfacing.
7 Other Business To Consider.
a. St John’s Ambulance grant request.
Proposal of £100 donation from Community Fund. Proposed – Cllr Drury, seconded – Cllr Strange
Resolved: All in favour.
b. SIM only or new phone purchase for council phone.
Resolved: Clerk to choose a SIM plan up to £7 per month and a mobile phone purchase up to £100.
c. Relocate the new notice board to inside bus shelter or leave in place and add extra support pole.
Resolved: Leave new notice board in same location as old board with second support pole. Clerk to research necessary permissions for second pole, and costs associated.
8 Finance To Consider.
a. Expenditures:
For pay in September –
i. Clerk reimbursement: Microsoft 365 – August and September – £11.28 (£9.40 + 1.88 VAT) x2 = £22.56
ii. Wilts & Berks Canal Trust annual membership – £25
iii. SLCC yearly membership – £134
Proposed – Cllr Drury, seconded – Cllr Woolford
Resolved: All payments approved.
Approved and Paid in August –
iv. Reimbursement to clerk: Microsoft 365 – July – £11.28 (£9.40 + £1.88 VAT)
v. Royal Images: Condolence portrait – £44.40 (£37 + £7.40 VAT)
vi. NetWiseUK: Domain renewal/Hosting, Support and Maintenance package – £378 (£315+£63 VAT)
vii. Robert Collis: reimbursement for Jubilee expenses – £45
b. To approve ongoing reimbursement payments for Microsoft 365 to occur on 25th (or nearest day of bank operations) of every month as a Standing Order.
Proposed – Cllr Rumming, seconded – Cllr Luce
Resolved: Approved.
c. To sign updated 1st quarterly financial report, and new ICO Direct Debit for Unity Bank.
Noted and signed.
d. Quotes for painting of BT phone box. – Closed to the public.
Resolved: Decision tabled until next meeting on 10 October 2022.
9 Matters Arising for Next Meeting.
- Second quarterly report
- Potential projects for 2023/2024 budget.
Determine date/time of next meeting.
10 October 2022, 19:00.