Lydiard Tregoze Parish Council
1 Present:
Chairman Cllr Collis, Cllr Drury, Cllr Woolford, Cllr Henderson, Cllr Strange, Cllr Williams, Cllr Luce. Clerk Rose Love. Wiltshire Cllr S. Bucknell.
Apologies: Vice Chairman Cllr Rumming.
Two representatives from the Dick Lovett Group.
2 To approve the minutes of the last meeting held on Monday, 11 March 2024.
Proposed – Cllr Williams, seconded – Cllr Woolford.
3 To record declarations of interest from members regarding items on the agenda.
Public Participation: A period not exceeding 15 minutes (3 minutes each speaker) for members of the public to ask questions and submit comments. Please submit your questions or comments to the Clerk by emailing before 9a.m. on the day of the meeting to ensure inclusion.
*An email from a parish member with questions concerning community events was shared.
*Representatives of Dick Lovett Group gave information to the council on development plans for land fronting the A3102 at M4 Jct 16. The plans involve a new single car dealership to consolidate two dealerships from Swindon. Plans are in the investigation stage.
4 Clerk’s Report and Correspondence.
See separate document. Clerk report April 2024
5 Planning Applications to Consider
a. New Premise License – Sustain Farm Shop, Brinkworth Road SN4 8DT
Resolved: Clerk will express concerns/questions about selling alcohol and late night music events beyond the stated shop hours, and the sound from music events travelling a distance to neighbouring properties.
Applications determined: Noted.
b. PL/2023/04585 – Wickfield Farmhouse, Wickfield Farm, SN4 8QR – Certificate of
Lawfulness regarding the unrestricted residential use of Wickfield Farmhouse. Refuse.
c. PL/2024/00506 – 2 Hook Street, SN4 8EF – Proposed extensions, external cladding of
existing dwelling, detached garage and new vehicle access. Approve with Conditions.
d. PL/2023/00811 – Flaxlands Manor Farm, SN4 8DY – Change of use and alterations to
Flaxlands Manor Farm for use as a Residential School with additional respite for children with
special educational needs (Outline application relating to layout and scale). Approve with
e. PL/2024/00252 – Land at Marsh Farm (Lidl), SN4 8AY – 2 no. illuminated fascia signs, 4 no. wall mounted billboard, 1 no. illuminated poster display unit and 1 no. illuminated flagpole sign. Approve with Conditions.
6 Highway/Roadwork/Parish Maintenance to Consider.
a. To determine number and location of “No Littering” signs on Flaxlands and Hook Street.
Resolved: Clerk will consult with Cllr Woolford for Hook Street locations and Cllr Collis for
locations on Flaxlands.
7 Other Business To Consider.
a. To decide food and drink at Annual Parish Meeting.
Resolved: Cllr Collis will provide tea, coffee, milk, squash and gluten-free chocolate brownies. Cllr Henderson will provide lemon drizzle cake. Clerk will provide a mix of biscuits.
b. To decide on additional agenda items for Annual Parish Meeting.
Items discussed:
- Joining Community Heartbeat V.E.T.S (defibrillator emergency phone system)
- Community volunteers for the council’s Emergency Storm/Flood plan
- Best day/time for a face to face cardiac response seminar (dependent on Community Heartbeat schedule and availability of a venue)
- Parish map for bus stop to cover graffiti
8 Finance To Consider.
a. Expenditures:
i. Reimbursement to clerk for APM flyer printing – Cost unknown at time of agenda posting (120 flyers to be printed).
No reimbursement required. Hulbert and Woodall will provide an invoice for £15 to be paid by BACS.
b. To decide whether accrued interest from Instant Access bank account should be held as Reserves or contribute to Community Fund.
Proposal to reinvest interest into Community Fund – Cllr Williams, seconded – Cllr Drury.
Resolved: Approved.
9 Matters Arising for Next Meeting.
- Possible grant requests
- Re-approval of Financial Regulations and Standing Orders
- Approval of updated Code of Conduct
- Yearly financial report
Determine date/time of next meeting. 13 May 2024, 19:15.
The May monthly meeting will include the Annual Meeting of the Council (election of officers) for 2024.
With all business concluded, the meeting closed at 20:37.