
8th July 2024 minutes

Minutes Uploaded on September 18, 2024

 Lydiard Tregoze Parish Council






Chairman Cllr Collis,  Cllr Drury, Cllr Luce, Cllr Henderson,

Cllr Williams, Cllr Strange.

Clerks Rose Love, Angela Vincent


One member of the public.


Public Participation:  Members of the public are invited to make representations to the council on matters relating to items on this Agenda (Public Bodies [Admission to Meetings] Act 1960), before the meeting starts (limited to 15 minutes, 3 minutes each speaker).  Every effort will be made to give accurate answers to all questions, but in some cases further research may be necessary.  Please submit your questions or comments to the Clerk by emailing before 9a.m. on the day of the meeting to ensure inclusion.


One member of the public spoke on behalf of the RWB Sports Association grant request (Agenda item 24.40)






It was proposed to move agenda item 24.40 to the beginning of the meeting – Proposed Cllr Henderson, Seconded by Cllr Williams


24.40  To consider grant request application from Royal Wootton Bassett Sports Association (RWBSA).


Proposal to award a £500 grant – Proposed Cllr Luce, Seconded Cllr Dury

Resolved:  Approved


24.32   To RECEIVE and ACCEPT apologies for absence.

Apologies received and accepted from Cllr Francis Rumming, Cllr James Woolford



24.33   To approve the minutes of the last meeting held on Monday, 10 June 2024.


Proposed Cllr Strange, Seconded Cllr Williams

Resolved:  Approved



24.34   To record declarations of interest from members regarding items on the agenda.


There were no declarations of interest declared.



24.35   Clerk’s Report and Correspondence

See separate document on website.




All planning documents and decisions can be viewed at: Home (


There were no planning applications at the time of posting the agenda.


Highways/Maintenance Issues

24.36   Topographical Survey cost and whether to only focus on estimate for two worst sections of the pavement.  £5,800 + VAT (£6960)


Proposal to approve expenditure to be taken from Council Infrastructure Levy (CIL) – Cllr Henderson, Seconded Cllr Williams


Resolved: Approved



24.37   To discuss updated proposed locations for Speed Indicator Devices (SID), associated costs with installation, and pros/cons of solar versus battery SIDs.


Proposal to accept the location of the SIDs suggested by Wiltshire Highways and to purchase a solar SID – Cllr Williams, seconded by Cllr Luce


Resolved: Approved



Other Business to Consider

24.38   To adopt proposed Document Retention Policy.


Proposal to adopt – Cllr Henderson, Seconded Cllr Drury


Resolved: Approved



24.39   To consider supporting the Safety of Electric-Powered Micromobility Vehicles and Lithium Batteries Bill.


Proposal to support the bill – Cllr Williams, Seconded Cllr Henderson


Resolved: Approved



Finance to Consider


24.40   To consider grant request application from Royal Wootton Bassett Sports Association (RWBSA).


Moved to beginning of meeting.




24.41   To authorise clerk to submit payments due in August – currently clerk’s salary, Micro365, and NetwiseUK yearly maintenance fee.


Proposed by Cllr Strange, Seconded Cllr Drury


Resolved: Approved



24.42   To approve outgoing clerk’s prorated salary for July. Suggestion of two weeks to cover one week in full post and one week for handover/training – £270.


Proposed by Cllr Luce, Seconded Cllr Drury


Resolved: Approved



24.43   To sign new bank mandate, removing Rose Love as administrator and assigning either a councillor as temporary administrator or a new clerk as administrator.


Updated bank mandate signed, with new clerk Angela Vincent as administrator.


24.44   To decide who will take responsibility for Microsoft365 payments and approval to submit reimbursement for July.


Angela Vincent agreed to take on responsibility, with reimbursement from Council.


Proposed by Cllr Henderson, Seconded Cllr Williams


Resolved: Approved


24.45   Expenditures:

.1   Community Heartbeat:  Rescue Safety Kit, High Viz, torch – £25.15.

.2   Netwise: set up and domain registration – £12.

.3  Andy Brewster:  Green’s maintenance (April-June) – £180


Proposal to accept payments – Cllr Henderson, Seconded Cllr Luce


Resolved: Approved



Matters Arising for Next Meeting

  • Updated Financial Regulations
  • First quarterly report



Determine date/time of next meeting.

Date of the next meeting Monday 9 September 2024, 19:15.


There will be no August monthly meeting.


With all business concluded, the meeting closed at 20:12