
Annual Parish Meeting, 4 May 2022

MeetingsMinutes Uploaded on May 15, 2022



1  Welcome and Report from the Parish Council

The Chairman will formally welcome everyone to the meeting and present a report detailing Parish Council activities in the last 12+ months. These included:

  • Solving the Flaxlands leak with installation of a French drain.
  • Progress on the west cattle grid replacement (ongoing). A contractor is currently working on a proposal to replace and bring up to Wiltshire Highways standards.
  • Securing the BT phone box for community defibrillator. Thank you, Maxine Wrathall.
  • Replacing missing/damaged ‘Passing Place’ signs on Hook Street.
  • Refurbishment of the village green’s path. Materials provided by Crapper and Sons.
  • With the Village Hall Committee, planted two trees for the Queen’s Green Canopy. He thanked Chris Rumming for sourcing the trees and planting, and Cllr Strange for watering.
  • Remembrance Sunday was well attended.
  • Continued advocacy for safety through the village (including speeding issues, replacing pavement through village and M4 bridge, and possible pavement connecting Hook Street to houses beyond Bolingbroke Arms).
  • Burial ground not pursued since last APM while other projects took focus.


2  Attendance and apologies (for minutes)

All councillors and clerk in attendance, visiting councillor Kevin Johnson from Latton, Wiltshire Police Lucy Wright and Kelly Hillier, and six members of the parish.

Sixteen in total.

Apologies: Wiltshire Cllr Bucknell.


3  Approval of minutes from previous Annual Parish Meeting. (Wednesday, 6 October 2021)

Proposed – Cllr Woolford, Seconded – Cllr Rumming.

Resolved: Approved.


4  Council Issues/Projects for discussion/vote with the Electors

a.  Speeding/Safety through Hook:

Latton Councillor Kevin Johnson, who has expensive experience with Community Speed Watch (CSW) and Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs), gave a briefing on the two options. Information included:

  • CSW training is online and takes about a month.
  • He shared a data report taken from Latton’s SID, showing how the information is reported.
  • Pointed out that SID and CSW together are doubly effective, and that drivers slow down more for CSW.
  • A SID can determine when/where speeding is a problem, then the council can request speed patrol from police, but will need to move the SID to different locations to be effective.


Wiltshire Police Officers Wright and Hillier stated the police and new police commissioner take speeding very seriously. Also pointed out that a CSW will bring the traffic enforcement officer to an area before data from a SID will.


Resolved: Request an updated traffic survey while waiting for an extensive SID survey to be released, then pursue purchase of a SID. CSW is still an option.


Issues brought by electors during meeting:

  • Continue to pursue path to Bolingbroke Arms and beyond.
  • Potential play park/play field – Questions of where, safety to commute to, insurance, and upkeep were raised.
  • Question about resurfacing the road through the village.
  • Parking in passing places on Hook Street. Could council hang their own ‘No Parking’ signs? Clerk will investigate the possibility.



5  Clubs, Groups, Businesses (CGBs)

No organisations contacted the clerk for attendance this year.


Provisional Date of the Next Annual Parish Meeting

Must be held between 1 March and 1 June, no earlier than 18:00. No specific date decided at time of meeting.


The meeting closed at 19:04


R Love. Clerk/RFO