The Annual Meeting of the Parish for Lydiard Tregoze will be held on Wednesday, 6th October 2021, in Hook Village Hall at 18:00.
Local government electors for Lydiard Tregoze will be entitled to vote at the public meeting.
The agenda is as follows:
- Welcome and Apologies for Absence
The Chairman will formally welcome everyone to the meeting.
- Report from the Parish Council
The Chairman will present a report detailing Parish Council activities in the last 12+ months.
- Council Issues/Projects for discussion/vote with the Electors
An opportunity for Local Government Electors to debate Parish related issues, ask questions or put forward suggestions. Topics the Council would like to discuss include:
- Potential council cemetery – costs, timeframe
- Traffic/speeding issues
- Experimental bus scheme update
- Queen’s Jubilee celebrations
- Pavement upgrade
– The above list of topics is not exclusive. Any topic important to an Elector may be raised and discussed at this time.
– Although this is a public meeting, only Local Government Electors of the Parish are entitled to vote.
- Clubs, Groups, Businesses (CGBs)
CGBs that attend the Parish Meeting will now have an opportunity to socialise with attending Electors and discuss what they have to offer the community. This is meant to be an informal part of the Parish Meeting.
CGBs will be free to put up display boards and hand out information.
Provisional Date of the Next Annual Parish Meeting
4 May 2022, 18:00, Village Hall
R Love. Clerk to the Council. 28 September 2021