Lydiard Tregoze Parish Council Invites You To Our First Annual Parish Meeting Monday, 9 March 18:00-19:30 Hook Village Hall The Annual Parish Meeting is not a Council meeting. This is an...
Council Members Needed
Lydiard Tregoze Parish Council has three vacant seats. If you live or work within the Parish, or within three miles of the Parish boundary, and are interested in becoming involved in the Council,...
Focusing on the Future Public Meetings
Wiltshire Council has two more public meetings, the 15th and 16th of January. Please use the link below for more...
Stay well this winter with the NHS
Look after yourself this winter As the dark nights draw in across Wiltshire and winter really starts to bite, it’s worth thinking about how we can all make sure we’re looking after...
The Herbert Protocol: Do you care for an elderly vulnerable person and worry they might go missing?
If you are worried about an adult at risk of going out and forgetting their way home, help is at hand. This information is intended to assist family, friends, care workers, Telecare providers,...
Grant for help paying winter costs
Wiltshire Community Foundation administer a Surviving Winter grant of £300 per person to help vulnerable residents pay for winter costs. If you feel you may need help this winter, please...
We’re Targeting Fly-tippers
Wiltshire Council has launched a reward campaign to reduce fly-tipping throughout the county. Please click on the link below for details. We're Targeting...